1888 First roll-film camera patent & “Kodak” is registered

September 4

1888 First roll-film camera patent & "Kodak" is registered

In 1888, George Eastman (born in 1854) patented the first roll-film camera, which could take pictures and make them available to be used by photographers worldwide. He filed it with the U.S. Patent Office on September 4, 1888. This invention is now known as cameras because they are used to taking pictures.

Eastman Kodak Camera

  • The camera was called the Eastman Kodak, and it required a light source to charge it before use.
  • After being introduced to the world by Eastman, the Kodak camera became very popular, and people consider it one of the greatest inventions in photography history.
  • In 1900, Kodak introduced their first film camera, called “Kodak’s Brownie.” It came with a built-in shutter and had a “zoom” feature that let you take photos while moving your eyes around quickly. It could increase their sales during World War I, which lasted from 1914 to 1918.
  • The invention of the first roll-film camera, Kodak, by George Eastman, marks a milestone in photography history.
  • The invention of the first roll film camera opened up new possibilities in the field of photography.
  • Eastman invented the device when consumers were willing and eager to buy rolls of exposed paper and film.
  • Eastman Kodak’s invention caused an enormous boom in the photography industry, which led to advances in terms of quality and innovation.
  • Multiple factors drove the development process of the camera, such as Eastman’s desire for profit, technological advancements like lens technology and shutter speed, etc.
  • These developments helped to make photo-taking affordable for all people with limited financial resources at that time.