Shaanxi Earthquake

Shaanxi Earthquake

The Shaanxi Earthquake was one of the largest and deadliest natural disasters, claiming 830,000 lives.  Jan 23, 1556, no doubt started as a typical day for the citizens of Shaanxi. However, the day quickly took a turn when an earthquake of significant magnitude shook...
Bloody Sunday Massacre

Bloody Sunday Massacre

On the verge of losing a war against Japan in the Far East, czarist Russia was rocked by internal dissatisfaction that erupted in what would later be referred to as the Bloody Sunday Massacre in St. Petersburg. Russia had become more corrupt and tyrannical than ever...
Battle of The Sanh

Battle of The Sanh

Most would agree that the Vietnam War, also commonly referred to as the Second Indochina War, which lasted from late 1955 to early 1975, marks a poignant time in America’s history. However, in the 20-odd years that the war raged on, some dates stand out...
Franklin D. Roosevelt Sworn In 4th Time

Franklin D. Roosevelt Sworn In 4th Time

Born in 1882, New York, Franklin D. Roosevelt, also referred to as FDR, demonstrated indomitable competence in public service. He became the first and only president of the United States to be inaugurated for a fourth term. Roosevelt overcame personal and political...
NASA’s Curiosity Rover Find Calcium on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Find Calcium on Mars

On this day in history, NASA’s Curiosity Rover discovered calcium deposits on Mars. This discovery was highly important as it provided evidence of water on Mars, suggesting the planet was habitable at some point in the past. In a Curiosity Rover report, Justin...
America’s First UFO Sighting

America’s First UFO Sighting

On January 18th, 1644, Pilgrims in Boston reported what later became known as America’s first UFO sighting. The governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, recorded in his diary: “About midnight, three men, coming in a boat to Boston, saw two...