August 3, 1492 – Christopher Columbus Sets Sail

August 3

Copy of a Portrait of Christopher Columbus

On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer and navigator, set sail with three ships to explore a western sea passage to the East Indies. He hoped to profit from the very lucrative spice trade and believed his journeys would create a more accessible and quicker route to do so. Columbus and his crews actually landed on an island in the Bahamas, and he and his crew are credited with widespread European exploration and colonization of what is now known as the Americas.  Here are a few fun facts about the journey.

Fun Facts

  • Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain in command of three ships. They were named the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.
  • On board the three ships were 90 men, their spirits high with optimism and hope. Departing from Palos de la Frontera, they set their course westward, guided by the belief that the world is round. They were convinced that sailing west would eventually reach the lands of India or China, believed to be overflowing with wealth.
  • The crew reached the Bahamas in 61 days. At this stage, he was sure he had succeeded in his quest; little did he know that his journey had just begun.
  • Christopher explored the Lesser Antilles in 1493 and later traveled to the land masses of Trinidad, South America, and North America.
  • Although many in the geographic community respected his works, his public image was tarnished after many atrocities committed under his rule were revealed.
  • Reports of cruelty, slavery and depopulation efforts have emerged, leaving the great explores reputation in shambles.