Scouting For Boys

January 24

When Robert Baden-Powell wrote up the book Scouting For Boys, we doubt he intended to get as broad an audience as he did. Lieutenant General Robert Baden-Powell published his book on Jan 24, 1908. The book is a manuscript for outdoor skills and self-improvement. 

The self-instruction book quickly sold out and sparked the fire for the Scout Movement across Britain. Before Robert published his book, he was already a well-known figure in the English community. Many young men aspired to be as accomplished as Powell was. When the book was published, many English boys rushed to secure a copy for themselves. When April finally rolled around, Scouting For Boys had grown into a Boy Scout Troops movement.

About Baden Powell

Lieutenant General Robert Baden-Powell became a British hero for his defense of Mafeking in South Africa. The defense mission lasted 217 days. During his time in the military, Powell wrote a field manual for soldiers, Aids to Scouting, which also became a favorite of the young British audience. Soon after, Baden learned that young boys were using the field manual to create games that helped them practice the skills described in the book.

Riding on this wind, Baden decided to write a non-military manuscript for young adolescents emphasizing morality and good deeds. Soon after Jan 24, 1908, he put together a group of 21 boys and took them camping. The boys enjoyed games that trained them in camping, woodcraft, observation, boating, deduction, and lifesaving during the experiment.